The date following the name is supposed to be the time at which the Street or
way first received that name.
Streets marked with an * are, in the opinion of the Street Commissioners, public
B. Boston Proper, prior to annexation Roxbury in 1868.
Rox. Roxbury, as it existed at time of annexation in 1868.
DOR. Dorchester, as it existed at time of annexation in 1870.
So.B. South Boston, as it existed in1870.
E. B. East Boston, including Breed's Island.
CHSN. Charlestown.
BRI. Brighton, as it existed at time of annexation in 1874.
W. Rox. . West Roxbury, as it existed at time of annexation in 1874.
The references to plans on file in the office of the Engineering Department, and designated by the letter L, are given under the several Streets where official
action has been taken.
A Street, B., 1828-30; from Mill-dam (now Beacon Street) to
Sumner (formerly Olive, now Mt. Vernon) Street, established in 1828; includes
part of unnamed passageway about twenty feet wide, established in 1804; name
changed to River Street, 1843.
A Street, B., 1860; from Berkeley Street, west, across Clarendon Street; now part of St. James Avenue.
*A Street, So. B., .1804; from 208 Dorchester Avenue to 351 Congress Street; formerly from Dorchester Avenue to line of solid structures;
laid out from Turnpike Street (now Dorchester Avenue) to' Broadway, Feb. 27,
1805; ordered built from Broadway to the sea, Sept. 9, 1844; Midland Street
included in A Street by change of name, April 20, 1868; A Street relocated by
Board of Aldermen from northeast line of Fifth (now West Fifth) Street across
Eastern Avenue (now Congress Street) to "limit of solid structures,'.'
Nov. 17, 1868 (portion between Eastern Avenue and "line of solid structures"
abandoned); part of same laid out again by Street Commissioners from "present
northerly terminus" to Eastern Avenue- extended, March 14, 1879; authority
to open from Congress Street about 692 feet northeastwardly given by Street
Commissioners Aug. 12, 1896; portion northeast of Congress called Pittsburgh
Street in 1900. L 27, L 58, L 254, L 1347. '"
A Street, Rox., 1872; from Parker Street to Halleck Street;
called New Street, 1884; now Archibald Street.
A Street, Dor., 1892; from Pleasant Street to Sumner Street; authority to open
given by Street Commissioners, May 4, 1892; now called Trescott Street.
A Street, W. Rox., 1868; from Boylston Street to Spring Park
Avenue; laid out under the name of Adelaide Street, Nov. 17, 1893. L 2549.
A Street, W. Rox., 1877; from Forest Hills Street to Washington
Street, between Morton Street and Keyes Street; part from Washington Street
to Stony Brook now called Lotus place; part from Stony Brook southeast to Plainfield
Street called Brook road in 1899; part from Plainfield Street to Forest Hills
Street abandoned and now closed.
Abattoir Avenue, Bri.; from 31 and 69 Market Street, through
the Brighton Abattoir property, to North Beacon Street, near Parsons Street.
*Abbot Street, Dor., 1872; from 798 Blue Hill Avenue to 211
Harvard Street; projected, 1872; laid out, Dec. 29, 1880. L 1509.
*Abbotsford Street, Rox., 1894; from 330 Walnut Avenue to 108
Crawford Street; authority to open given by Street Commissioners, May 31, 1894;
laid out from Walnut Avenue to Harold Street, Sept. 19, 1895; extended to Crawford
Street, Dec. 29, 1896. L 2732, L 2848.
Abbotsford terrace, Dor., 1898; from 167 King Street, near
Neponset Avenue.
Abbott Street, So. B.., 1859; from 634 Dorchester Avenue, between
Hyde Street and Kemp Street, to Richardson Avenue.
Abbott Street, W. Rox., 1890; from 159 Willow Street easterly,
near Weld Street.
Abbotts block, So. B.; from .Ellery Street, near angle, northwest;
Abbotts place, called Ellery terrace in 1896.
*Aberdeen Street, B., 1871; from 865 Beacon Street to Brookline
branch railroad; laid out, Nov. 15, 1899. L 3222, L 3461.
Abney place, Rox., 1850; from Eustis Street, northeast, crossing
end of Mall. Street; part from Eustis Street to Mall Street, formerly part of
lower road from Roxbury to Dorchester; part from Mall Street, north., formerly
part of ancient way called road to the town landing, which existed as early
as 1796; now Dearborn Street.
Abuttors' court, So. B., 1852; from Dorchester turnpike (now
Avenue), southeast, next south from junction of Boston (now Dorchester) Street;
now part of Preble Street.
Academy Hill road, Bri., 1901; from 338 Washington Street to
south of Jackson Avenue; the name of Rockland Street changed to Academy Hill
road, March 1, 1901; High School place included in Academy Hill road in the
same year.
Academy Hill Street, or road, Bri., 1873; from Chestnut Hill
Avenue to High school; laid out, Dec. 17, 1873; and accepted conditionally,
Dec. 30, 1873; laid out by Street Commissioners as Rockland Street, July 21,
1879; name changed to Academy Hill road, March 1, 1901.
Acadia court, Dor., 1870; from Dorchester Avenue, east, between
Ashmont Street and Beale Street; changed to Brunswick Street about 1891.
Acadia Street, So. B 1899; from 855 East First Street to 832
East Second Street, between M Street and a Street; authority to open given by
the Street Commissioners, May 2, 1899.
Acadia Street, Rox. and W. Rox., 1869; from School Street to
Atherton Street; now Arcadia Street. L 965.
Acorn circle, W. Rox., 1900; from 53 South Street, westerly,
between Hathaway Street and Custer Street.
Acorn Street, B., 1823; from 4 Willow Street to 5 West Cedar
*Acton Street, B., 1864; from 1251 Washington Street to 37
Bradford Street; part from Washington Street, west, called Washington court
in 1845; extended to present bounds and called Marlborough Street in 1857; name
changed to Acton Street, Feb. 24, 1864.
Adams court, B., 1837; from 1346 Washington Street, southeast,
to 8 Waltham Street; from Washington Street, east, called
Adams place in 1837; part of included in extension of Waltham Street in 1850.
Adams court, Dor., 1865; south of East Street; Hall's court,
so called; laid out as a part of Hecla Street, Aug. 30, 1892... L 2426.
Adams place, B.., 1845; from 9 North Anderson Street to 13
Blossom Street; came from Bridge (now North Anderson) Street to Blossom Street,
called Bridge-Street Avenue, 1832; name changed to Adams place in 1845.
Adams place, B., 1837; from 1346 Washington Street, southeast,
to 8 Waltham Street; formerly from Washington Street, southeast; Waltham Street
extended across the end of Adams place, Sept. .18, 1848; the remainder, from
Washington Street to 8 Waltham Street, now called Adams court.
Adams place, So. B.; from 342 E Street, near West Third Street,
Adams place, Rox., 1862; from 2131 Washington Street, northwest,
then northeast to 40 Williams Street; shown as a "passway" in 1816.
Adams place, Chsn.; from 9 Lincoln Street, northwest.
Adams place, Bri., i885; from 161 Everett Street, near Lincoln
Street, east about 420 feet; a name at various times given to a portion of Adams
*Adams square, B., 1879; the area at the junction of Brattle
Street, Cornhill, Washington Street and Devonshire Street, so named Nov. 17;
1879. L 65, L 124.
Adams square, Dor.; the open space opposite 801 Adams Street,
at junction of Granite Street and Marsh Street, colloquially called Adams square.
*Adams Street, B., 1788; from bottom of Water Street to Milk
Street; called Cooper’s alley in 1708; Kilby Street in 1769; previous
to 1784 called Miller's lane; named Adams Street, July 4, 1788; after naming
of Liberty square, considered to extend from Liberty square to Milk Street;
included in Kilby Street, July 6, 1824.
*Adams Street, B., 1846-1850; from Sudbury Street to Ivers
(now Chardon) Street; called Distill-House square in 1769; name changed to Adams
Street, Sept. 9, 1850; widened and name changed to Bowker Street, April 20,
1868. L 351:
*Adams Street, Rox., 1836; from 109 Hampden Street to 308 Dudley
Street; first mentioned Oct. 22, 1836; laid out from Eustis (now Dudley) Street
to East (now Hampden) Street, Sept. 8, 1856. L 2963.
Adams Street, Rox., 1849; from Warren Street to Cliff Street;
name changed to Myrtle Street., before March 19, 1860; now Glenwood Street.
*Adams Street, Dor., 1840; from Eaton square (Meeting House
Hill) to junction Washington Street and Dorchester Avenue at Lower Mills; formerly
called Lower road from Roxbury to Milton, or Lower road to Milton, or Lower
road to Boston, or the Lowe, road; named Adams Street from Captain Eaton's (Eaton
square) to Lower Mills, Match 11, 1840; grade changed so that the way may be
carried under the Shawmut branch railroad, Oct. 12, 1907, by decree of the Superior
Court acting under authority of chapter 111 of the Revised Statutes and chapter
440, Acts of Legislature of 1902. L 1182, L 1256, L 1333, L 1334, L 1364, L
1365, L 1750, L2712, L 2897.
Adams Street, W. Rox., 1871; from 261 Gardner Street, northeast, to the Needham
branch railroad, and from the railroad to beyond East Street; formerly from
Gardner Street to beyond East Street; portion near Gardner Street included in
location of the Needham branch rail- road filed with Board of Aldermen, July
4, 1905.
*Adams Street, Chsn., 1828; from 61 Winthrop Street to 104
Chelsea Street; staked out by selectmen from Mr. Townsend's corner to Mr. Breed's
dam pasture, and approved by the Town in August, 1797; this was the old way
from the training field (now Winthrop square) to the "dam pasture"
before the laying out of the Salem turnpike; Common Street and Adams Street
laid out around Winthrop square and boundaries defined, Jan. 26, 1848; relocated
between Common Street and Chestnut Street, Oct. 14, 1901. L 2492, L 3412.
Adams Street, Bri., 1846; from 163 Everett Street, between
Aldie Street and Lincoln Street, east to 60 Franklin Street; from Everett Street,
east about 519 feet shown on plan by A. R. Binney, dated June, 1846 (this portion
at various times has been called Adams place); authority to open an extension
to Franklin Street given by the Street Commissioners, Nov. 4, 1895.
Adams terrace, Dor., 1897; from 393 Adams Street, near corner
of Centre Street, westerly.
Adams terrace, Dor., 1895; from 406 Adams Street to Elm Dale;
authority to open between Adams Street and Muzzy Street (now Elm Dale) given
by Street Commissioners, Oct. 8, 1895; called Rozella Street, 1897; laid out
as Rozella Street, Aug. 1, 1899. L 3164.
I used to live on Trescott:
A Street, Dor., 1892; from Pleasant Street to Sumner Street; authority to open given by Street Commissioners, May 4, 1892; now called Trescott Street.
Posted by: Catherine Flynn Olsen | 13 May 2006 at 20:23