For the past few weeks fireworks have been going off every night in my neighborhood. A word of caution, from the 1846 Boston Almanac:
26 June 1845 A son of Mr. Abner Forbes had mixed a pound of powder, charcoal, and saltpetre in a pan, for making fireworks for the coming 4th of July--which his mother finding, supposed to be charcoal, threw into the fire, causing an explosion that came near costing her life. She was shockingly burned.
From the Ordinances, Laws, etc. of the City of Boston (1834)
"An Ordinance forbidding the firing of Guns, prohibiting Fire-Works in certain cases, and to prevent damage by fire." [Passed Dec. 18, 1826]
Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That no person or persons shall discharge or set off, any squibs, serpents, rockets, or other fire works, or make any bonfire, or other fire, in any of the streets, squares, commons, lanes, or alleys, or upon or from any house or building, or on any wharf, within the city, without leave first had and obtained therefor from the Mayor and Aldermen, under a penalty for every such offence, of a sum not less than one dollar, nor more than twenty dollars.