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Ah! So that's why there are actually two Washington Streets in Forest Hills, one on either side of the train station. Feh. Rename the small bit that's a continuation of Hyde Park Avenue as, um, Hyde Park Avenue , I say.


I actually think Washington Street runs from Government Center to Foxboro without losing the name. I've walked from Washington Street in JP/Roxbury to Government Center to see if the sign changes, and I didn't find any different names. Doesn't seem to on maps either.

In the other direction, I don't think it ends in Dedham -- at least, the sign didn't seem to change when driving, and I can't find any different name on a map. I think it goes through Dedham to Westwood, to Walpole, to Foxboro.

Ron Newman

Doesn't it go all the way to the Rhode Island line?

The Editor

It may very well go to the Rhode Island line--I would be surprised if it didn't. As I mentioned to Eeka I was only interested in what happened to Washington Street up to the Dedham border. After that it becomes the responsibility of the City Record and Dedham News-Letter.

Mark Fogle

There's also the Washington Street in Cambridge (near Kendall Square) and Washington Avenue (near Porter Square).

Ron Newman

Not to mention Washington Street in Somerville, which becomes Kirkland Street in Cambridge, and I-forget-what for a short stretch in Charlestown.

Broadway in Bay Village used to be the same street as Broadway in South Boston.


Wasn't JP more recently part of the town of West Roxbury? Couldn't West Roxbury stake a claim to it?

I was born off River Street west of Mattapan Square and only recently learned that it was part of the Town of Hyde Park until it was annexed by Boston in 1912. Before then (I'm guessing)it must have been part of the town of Dorchester. I've always heard it called Mattapan and not Hyde Park.

New York doesn't have this problem because all the boroughs have definite borders.

The Editor


West Roxbury was part of Roxbury until it broke off in 1851 and became a separate town, only to be annexed to Boston in 1874. When the 1851 split occurred, part of Jamaica Plain remained in Roxbury, part of it was in West Roxbury.

sarah c

There's yet another Washington St, North Washington St in the North End.


I once walked Washington St. from the Dedham Line to City Hall. It was a pretty cool experience. The only place it gets confusing is around Forest Hills. Anyone else done that before?


Which no doubt explains why West Roxbury District Court is actually in Jamaica Plain.

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