Dorchester Historical Society President Earl Taylor and preservation architect John Goff will be presenting an illustrated program "Dorchester from the Period of Settlement (1630) to Annexation (1870) on Sunday, 18 February 2007 at 2 P.M. The talk will be held at the DHS headquarters in the William Clapp House, 195 Boston Street, Dorchester.
A map showing the location of the William Clapp House can be found here.
When I cliked on the links to the map included in the text of your blog, it linked to a map of Boston (at either markers on the map or a list of the places you marked. The only way to see the map with your markers was to clik on the picture of the map on the right side of your blog. Wonderful mapping idea with the markers, especially for someone not currently living near Boston.
Posted by: deb | 13 February 2007 at 15:44