As my readers (you're still out there, right?) have noticed, I have been on hiatus for much of this past year as I settled into my job at the Gibson House Museum. I'm planning on more frequent posting in the New Year and have new maps and photos and books to share. I may even take the plunge into podcasting and create an audio walking tour of the Back Bay. I will also be giving a series of talks at the Gibson House about Back Bay history and will make sure you all are kept informed.
And now for your Christmas greeting from the Massachusetts General Court in 1659:
"For preventing disorders reason of some still observing such festivalls as were superstitiously kept in other countrys, to the great dishonor of God, and offence of others, it is therefore ordered...that whoever shall be found observing any such days as Christmas or the like, either by forbearing of labour, feasting, or any other way...shall pay five shillings as a fine."
Hope your job is going well. Happy holidays!
Posted by: Rhea | 23 December 2008 at 15:37